Friday, March 27, 2015


My heart is brimming with joy after enjoying the springtime weather this week. Miss Faye's speech has been continually improving, but these last few days she seems to have so much to say! And there's no particular light bulb moment, but even just hearing her respond to "why are you sad?" with "sucker fall" on our way home from dance class, it made my soul rejoice. We spent the evening digging in the garden with my mom.  Faye was so excited to use the shovel, so concerned when the two hoses were "stuck" together, and she asked Uncle Greg to play "rocket ship."  

She is loving Dr Suess books and can nearly recite Green Eggs and Ham

Faye is also more aware of how other people are feeling and of their conversations. Today she heard Sam cooing while he was wiggling on the ground. 
"Mommy, sam!"
"Yeah! Sam is talking to you. He says 'Faye, where are you? I miss you."
"Oh, okay."
At this point she walked to where Sam was, said "kiss!" then bent down and kissed her brother. My heart melted. 

I am so grateful for her development and for the budding relationship between our two kids. Thank the heavens for these tender mercies.

1 comment:

  1. So adorable and exciting to hear her progress! She's amazing
