Friday, July 17, 2015

Four Years Already

Our Faye turned four! She is such a joy to have around.  Her speech continues to improve, and we are LOVING it!  

Faye tells us about everything imaginary she sees: dragons flying outside the car window, baby Gila Monsters crawling over the kitchen table, baby black jaguars she wants us to hold, etc.  She's named our little Rogue Red Toothless, to which both Alan and I immediately approved.  Today's surprise was having Faye ask me to be the "bad guy" and chase her around the room.  

With summertime sunshine and late nights, bed time hasn't been as successful as usual.  Faye has started a habit of not staying in her room and will often lay at the top of the stairs calling for Daddy, climb right into "Daddy's big bed" and fall asleep there instead, or come into our room in the middle of the night wanting to lay in our bed (that was terrifying the first time I woke up to her silhouette in the doorway).  

Her love for sharks and ocean creatures continues, and the spectrum of interesting animals has broadened to land-based creatures as well.  She loves to learn about all animals,  but still tends to be terrified when near them.  She loves to walk the neighbor's little dog, Sophie, which has been a tremendous improvement.

I love when Faye sees other little kids and is excited to interact.  Her classic opening line is, "Hi, Friends!"

Above all, she loves being silly with everybody.  We often are loud, often tumble and play, often do or say things in public which are received with quizzical glances, but best of all, we often have a grand old time while doing it.

Love you, my Fayebalina.

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