Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Celebrations.

I love the holidays, if nothing more than it means my mom is forced to take many days off of work.  She spoiled us on New Year's Eve by taking Faye, Reed and I to see Frozen!  Goodness, was it a good show.  Faye was so distracted by the full theater that she could hardly sit still.  Reed, having seen Frozen three times already, volunteered to take her to the hallway and keep her busy.  After the movie ended, we learned he taught Faye the art of Theater Jumping and and run in and out of six or seven different shows!  What a great uncle. 

After Faye's nap, and when Alan returned from work, we headed out to Samm and Amy's for a party!  Kaylee and Faye wasted no time playing together.  

Kaylee was kind enough to share her toys. 

They joined in the game playing fun with Connect 4!

Faye and Kaylee party as hard as they could all the way up until bedtime! Once the girls were asleep, we moms jumped into all party fun! There were numerous games, an overall winner of the night, watching of the ball dropping in NYC, and running in the snow about the house barefoot.  Definitely the most exciting New Year's Party I have ever attended!  Here's to you, 2014!

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