Friday, October 21, 2011

Three Months

Having Faye's three month photoshoot was a bit more difficult than I would like to admit.  Monday was her three month mark as well as Alan's 24th birthday as well as the day I was hit hard with a cold.  Alan's birthday was the real tragedy.  Work and school for him, a sick wife, no presents (the UPS guy didn't bring them until Wednesday), and homework. Happy Birthday! As a result, Alan's birthday and Faye's three month "birthday" lasted all week long.  Yay!

This week was UEA/Fall break and our family was graced with the presence of my mom and Reed on Thursday afternoon.  We had a mission to take Faye's three month pictures.  We drove up the canyon, yet again, in search of fallen leaves.

Reed is such a good sport and a good uncle.  He was more than happy to help us take pictures of Faye, and he was kind enough to carry all of our baby equipment down the trail after Faye decided she was too tired to cooperate any more.   I love that brother.

In addition to Faye's three month pictures, I wanted to try and get a few pictures of her in the Halloween outfit I made for her.  Again, Faye decided she was too tired for pictures once we switched her outfits, so I'll have to take more later. 

It's becoming more obvious that Faye is a bit of a Daddy's girl already.  We'll put her in the swing for an evening nap; our swing is a hand-me-down and wasn't given to us with an adapter, so we just push it.  The swing is set next to Alan's desk, so Alan usually pushes Faye when he's home.  So what makes her a daddy's girl?  Lately, Faye hasn't been content to just sit in the swing and stare at Alan, she prefers to sit on his lap.  She smiles nearly every time she sees Alan, and if he comes over while Faye is eating, she would rather look at Alan than eat her dinner.  It makes me smile to know that her love for Alan isn't something I've made up.  


  1. That 1st picture is funny and adorable, and what a cute costume!

  2. She is a cutie pa-tutie! Love the pics! And her costume is waay cute! Well done!
